Sunday, 15 July 2007


Watch a porno.
Smoke some skunk.
Watch a cannibal film.
Watch a porno.
Watch some war footage.
Smoke some skunk.
Do some press-ups.
Watch a cannibal film - keep watching the bits with animal cruelty and disembowelling.
Smoke some skunk.
Cannibal film.
Beheading footage.
More skunk.
Down some cans.
Cannibal film.
Do some more press-ups.
Spin round in one direction as fast as you can.
Watch some more war footage.
Watch a porno.
More skunk, and maybe some aerosols.
Cannibal film - just watch the horrible bits again and again.
Spin round really fast again, for 5 minutes non-stop.
Down some more bad cans.
Smoke some more skunk.
Try and set up three screens, so you can have porno, cannibal film and war footage going off at the same time.
Keep watching for two more hours, drinking cans, smoking skunk blunts and every 10 minutes pressing pause and spinning round very fast for 45 seconds.
Now get down and do 40 press-ups.

Now quickly get your suit on and leave the house and go and get the best job you can!

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