Sunday, 10 June 2007


You will fail at everything you do in life.
Everyone who has ever met you has nothing good to say about you.
You are a pathetic specimen of humanity.
It would be better for everyone if you died.
No one has ever been able to relate to you in any way.
There are murderers and rapists who deserve to live more than you do.
You are physically repellent.
You come across as if you are mentally sub-normal.
Your grandparents wish you dead and desperately hope they outlive you.
You are a profoundly ugly person.
No one listens to you when you speak.
If you ever feel bad no one will comfort you.
People either want to laugh or spit on you when they see you.
You will never have any friends.
Only terrible things will happen in your life.
A dying dog is more important than you.
You will never make an impact in your life.
If you killed yourself no one would care in the slightest.
You don’t deserve any comfort in your life.
No one wants to be in the same room as you.
The opposite sex finds you repulsive.
If you were lying in the street, bleeding to death, all passers by would ignore you.
You are universally hated.
You are physically awkward and you stink of shit.
Every time you try to contribute to a conversation you will be ignored.
Tramps in the street will not talk to you or acknowledge you.
Babies cry when you are in the same room as them.
Even a priest would want to kill you and wish you dead.
When you were at school all your classmates and all your teachers despised you.
Everyone is always looking at you when you are out in public, and laughing to themselves.
You will never be married or have any kind of loving relationship.
You will never have children, but if you did, they would hate you and kill themselves out of shame.
You should have been killed as soon as you came out of the womb.
Animals know you are evil, and will avoid you even if you have food to give them.
You deserve to die slowly and painfully, on your own.
When you die your body will be left to rot.
If you are buried when you die, your corpse will be dug up and violated.
You are a waste of oxygen.
You deserve as much pain and suffering as possible.

Love, Mum


(c) N Brown 2007

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